
Showing posts with the label active device


Amplifiers The practical benefit of active devices is their amplifying  ability. Whether the device in question be voltage-controlled or current-controlled , the amount of power required of the controlling signal is typically far less than the amount of power available in the controlled current. In other words, an active device doesn't just allow electricity to control electricity; it allows a  small  amount of electricity to control a  large  amount of electricity. Because of this disparity between  controlling  and controlled  powers, active devices may be employed to govern a large amount of power (controlled) by the application of a small amount of  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); power (controlling). This behavior is known as amplification . It is a fundamental rule of physics that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Stated formally, this rule is known as the Law of Conservation of Energy, and no exceptions to it have been discovered